There’s power in kindness

Published 7:00 am Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Sometimes it’s the little decisions we make on a daily basis, which make the greatest impact.

Whether it’s opening a door for a stranger or secretly paying for someone’s next meal, those little, yet heartfelt, decisions prove there’s power in kindness.

Recently, a Pennsylvania police officer gave a generous and unexpected donation to a stranger. According to Yahoo News, officer Garret Lukacs and his family met Mike Bauman, along with his family, at a restaurant in Pennsylvania. Both are regular customers and started talking to one another about their families. During the interaction, Bauman confided he was recently diagnosed with stage four colon cancer. He went on to say that he and his family were organizing a spaghetti dinner to cover his medical expenses.

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Once the conversation ended, Lukacs decided to make a small difference in the family’s life by purchasing a $100 gift card to the restaurant.

According to the news source, Lukacs wanted his name to be kept anonymous so he entrusted the task of giving the gift to Bauman to a server.

Eventually, Bauman realized the gift was from Lukacs and told Yahoo News that he and his wife were blown away by the gesture.

It truly warms my heart to read a story like this.

Lukacs’ gesture exemplifies how easy it is to make a difference in someone’s life — all it takes is a little time and a lot of heart.

While life seems to be moving faster with each passing day, it’s important to slow down and pay attention to those around you who may need a helping hand but don’t necessarily ask for it.

Next time you notice someone who needs a hand, don’t ignore the opportunity.

Instead, take those five minutes and spread a little kindness in the world.