Sav-A-Life to hold walk for life event

Published 7:00 am Thursday, April 30, 2015

On Saturday, May 2 Sav-A-Life of the Pearl River Area will hold its annual Walk for Life fundraiser to support women and children in the community.

Their mission is to make abortion undesirable in the region, Sav-A-Life Director Bonita Wynn said.

Saturday, registration begins at 8 a.m. at Sav-A-Life Pregnancy Support Services, which is located at 1101 Goodyear Blvd. The walk will start between 8:30 a.m. and 9 a.m.

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From the center, participants will march down Goodyear Boulevard and back up to the center for refreshments.

The Walk for Life is the center’s largest fundraiser.

“We rely on community donations so it’s important to have as many people come out Saturday or donate,” Wynn said.

During the event, they will sell T-shirts for $10, which will also be available for purchase beforehand at the center, including pledge forms.

Wynn said whoever raises $150 in pledges will receive a free T-shirt.

The money raised will go towards supporting the center’s services, which include pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, clothing for infants, abstinence education and post-abortion counseling, Wynn said.

“Our main goal for women who’ve gone through an abortion is to help them understand the forgiveness of Christ and bring them back to him,” Wynn said.

She encourages those who can’t attend the walk to pledge beforehand and walk in their spare time.

For more information, contact Sav-A-Life staff at (601) 799-2668. The center is open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.