One of the best surprises I have received

Published 7:00 am Friday, April 24, 2015

Thursday, I found out that my parents and sister had been lying to me for about six weeks.
That day as I got back to the office about one o’clock and pulled into the parking lot, I was summoned to the back of the building, rather than to walk through the front door as usual.
I thought it was odd, but I went with this bizarre plan anyway.
After I sat down at my desk, I heard a voice say, “Here comes your next interview.”
I turned around and there stood my sister, holding my nephew.
After a brief second of shock, I began screaming and then my parents appeared out of nowhere recording the event with their cell phones.
I not only scared the baby, which I still feel bad about, but my screams and cries of jubilation could be heard around the building. (Insert apology to co-workers.)
Now, I’ve only seen my nephew once during his eight months on Earth, so holding him again was a moment that I can’t even begin to describe.
This is my sister’s first trip home since having the baby and I know my extended family and friends will be beyond excited to meet him.
However, they will have to get in line because I plan on being with him as much as possible.
They will be here for two weeks and I plan on spoiling him rotten.
Apparently, my parents and sister have already planned trips to the zoo and many other exciting venues.
I can’t believe they were able to keep it a secret from me as long as they did.
I told my parents when they left for New York last week to bring my nephew back with them, and I’m so glad they did.

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