Graduate smart

Published 7:00 am Thursday, April 2, 2015

College is supposed to be a place where you discover who you want to be. Whether you want to be a poet, an architect or a doctor, college provides you with the necessary tools to dream about the future and learn about your craft. But before crossing the stage at graduation, it’s important to master a good work ethic in order to prepare for the real world.

During this time last year I was a senior in college who was eager to begin adulthood, which surely didn’t involve dusty library books or all-night study sessions.

However, once I graduated and got out in the real world, I realized just how idyllic those college years were. As a student, it’s easy to lose track of reality when freedom is so new and everything you need is on campus.

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From my experience, it felt as though I was living in a perfect bubble for four years. While it’s easy to get sidetracked, it’s important to play your cards right. If not, your bubble could burst dramatically into an endless pool of reality after graduation.

Which is why it’s so important to treat your college experience like a job in order to make the transition easier.

College professors often tell their students that it’s their choice whether they want to attend class or not. While some students may opt to spend their class sessions sleeping in, it’s important to attend class as much as possible. In the real world, you can’t just decide not to go to work. If you don’t attend work regularly, you’ll be fired, which is why it’s so important to develop a good work ethic early on.

While it takes effort, those job skills will come in handy when you land your first paid full-time position.

Although there’s nothing that can fully prepare anyone for the real world immediately after college, a strong work ethic will always pay off in the long run.