The benefits of reading a fairy tale
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, March 18, 2015
I have always loved reading fairy tales.
For a few moments, we are transported to a place and time where happily ever after exists and magical powers are realized.
The Disney movie “The Little Mermaid” has always been a favorite of mine, although in the original Hans Christian Anderson story, the little mermaid does not realize her dream of marrying the prince. Instead, she chooses not to kill the sleeping prince, which would transform her back into a mermaid. As a sacrifice, she throws herself into the sea.
I have always enjoyed “Sleeping Beauty” as well. A wicked curse and dragon-slaying prince always make for a great story.
So of course, I had to drag my husband to see Disney’s newest live action film, “Cinderella.”
It was a beautiful film full of brilliant colors, dazzling costumes and of course the glass slipper. It was directed by British director and actor Kenneth Branagh, who did an amazing adaptation of Shakespeare’s play, “Hamlet.”
There have been a few live adaptations of “Cinderella,” which includes the Rodgers and Hammersteins’ musical version with Julie Andrews on stage and Lesley Ann Warren in the film version. Drew Barrymore portrayed the cinder girl in “Ever After,” who is a personal favorite as well.
I was pleased with this adaptation and noticed many similarities between version and the animated versions.
Cinderella’s interaction with the mice and other animals was always a favorite moment and Lucifer the cat reminds me of my own fat cat, Jazzy.
To my surprise, my husband enjoyed the film as well. I’m always glad when I can prove to him that Disney flicks are not just for girls or children, but for everyone.
If you haven’t seen it yet, I recommend doing so. My husband mentioned how kid friendly it is and how swiftly the film’s plot moved.
Some may argue that movies like these convey the wrong message to young adults about marriage. Critics feel the film conveys the message that all marriages lead to happily ever after. In this day and age, I believe that most children are smarter than that. Sadly, a majority of them have been caught in the crosshairs of their parent’s failing marriage.
In my opinion, one of the main messages that I take from “Cinderella,” is kindness and forgiveness.
Even though Cinderella was treated badly by her stepmother and stepsisters, she still found forgiveness in her heart in spite of their actions.