Thank you highlighting county’s trash problem
Published 7:00 am Friday, March 6, 2015
Words aren’t enough to thank you for printing photo of ditch trash along Palestine Road. The trash continues on Burnt Bridge Road and on Hwy 42 North. I had my I-pad ready to write to you in hopes of bringing this huge problem to the attention of more residents. Everyone who drives in Pearl River County sees the trash that taints the environment. It is disgusting. What is the answer; what is the cure. It begins at home when trash is tossed out the car window and children observe their role model. So, we look to our schools to teach a rule that is not taught by the adults in the home. Keeping our environment clean needs to be a priority for everyone.
We see young men from correctional prison picking up trash. There is a message there. Please make keeping our environment clean a headline in your newspaper….photos bring the point home. Some time ago you had a photo of a blue tarp scrap hanging in a tree beside Highway 42 North. Guess what, it’s still hanging there like a Mardi Gras throw.
Keep up the good work.
Tamara Mokray