Board of Aldermen meeting
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, January 21, 2015

BOARD MEETING: Registered professional engineer Jason Lamb presents the Poplarville Board of Aldermen with a budget to fix the drainage system on Beers Street on Tuesday night. Photo by Ashley Collins.
The Poplarville Board of Aldermen met Tuesday night at City Hall to hear plans on improving the drainage system on Beers Street, and discuss arrangements for an upcoming 5K event.
The board spoke to Jason Lamb, a registered professional engineer, who brought to their attention the drainage issues on Beers Street. He gave the board a copy of the budget, which included three bids for the drainage replacement project on Beers Street. One of the cheapest bids totaled $54, 598.
Lamb said the project would be funded by the city’s emergency repair funds. He added that the drainage issue on Beers Street is seen as an emergency since flooding in the area can become extremely dangerous, especially if a rainstorm passes through.
Alderwoman Shirley Wiltshire mentioned that the city has already spent a lot of the emergency funds on insurance.
The board agreed to take this issue under advisement until February and decide on alternative funding for the project.
Also at the meeting, Kalena Wells, representative from Poplarville Family Chiropractic, sought approval from the board for her event request to hold a 5K marathon.
Wells said the marathon will use the Blueberry Jubilee route, and will include 50 to 100 participants. She also asked the board how many police officers were necessary to provide security and how much she would have to pay.
The board took the matter under advisement until they could figure out the cost and necessary number of police officers for the event.
Also at the meeting, Mayor Brad Necaise spoke to the board about Poplarville High School’s garbage issue around the fence of the parking lot.
“We’ve got one chance to make an impression,” Necaise said about the school’s image to prospective students. He said that he would contact the principal, in order to start cleanup in the area.
Also at the meeting, the board:
-Approved the minutes from the Jan. 6 meeting.
-Accepted Necaise and Alderman David Glenn Bolin to participate in the M.D.O.T Local Public Agency Project Development Manual Training in March.
-Approved December’s expense report, payroll report, systematic transaction report, and privilege license report.
The board will meet again on Feb. 3 at