Digging into the “X” factor
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, December 24, 2014
We’ve all seen the Christmas greetings that read “Happy Holidays.”
For some reason, this seems to enrage people on my social media news feeds.
Some accuse the greeter of taking Christ out of Christmas and claim that “Happy Holidays” is not the proper way to express one’s feelings during this time of year.
Just because a person says “holidays,” doesn’t necessarily mean they aren’t religious, it’s just another way of expressing the sentiments of the season.
Then there’s the phrase “X-Mas.”
I decided to dig a little deeper into this “X”-factor and find out more about it.
According to R.C. Sproul of Ligonier Ministries, the letter X used in Christmas is not a letter at all but is the first letter of the Greek name for Christ, which is Christos.
According to Sproul, “there’s a long and sacred history of the use of X to symbolize the name of Christ, and from its origin, it has meant no disrespect.”
There are many people that say, “Let’s put Christ back in Christmas,” when according to Sproul, he was never left out.
I was raised a Southern Baptist and have heard the Christmas story my entire life.
My parents also taught me tolerance. No matter if I agree with someone else’s beliefs or not, I still respect their right to believe what they feel is right.
No matter what someone believes, we were put on this Earth to love our neighbors. We may not like everyone or agree all the time, but we should strive to exhibit a Christ-like behavior at all times.