Picayune City Council meeting review
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, November 5, 2014

CITY COUNCIL: District 5 Councilman Wayne Gouguet sits in place of Mayor Ed Pinero in Tuesday night’s council meeting.
Photo by Dart Spiers
The Picayune City Council acknowledged the placement of the “Fallen Soldier Battle Cross” monument, which will be located by the flagpole in front of city hall on Goodyear Boulevard, during their Tuesday night meeting.
The chocolate bronze statue will stand almost six feet tall with the inscription “All gave some, some gave all” etched into a plaque. Every branch of the military will be represented with emblems on the statue to honor all fallen soldiers said Trish Kennedy, President of the Ladies Auxiliary at the Picayune VFW Post 3804.
“We’ve been raising the money for this monument for over a year,” said Kennedy, “It’s going to be beautiful. I appreciate the city for letting us do this.”
The unveiling and dedication ceremony will take place Tuesday, Nov. 11 at 11 a.m. in front of Picayune City Hall on Goodyear Boulevard. Congressman Steven Palazzo will be appearing as a guest speaker. Taps will be played on the City Hall steps, and representatives from the Wounded Warrior Project out of New Orleans will make an appearance as well.
In other business, the council authorized the Picayune Fire Department to apply for the “Assistance for Firefighters” Grant, which would award $23,000 to the fire department for a new extrication tool said Chief Keith Brown. The extrication tool is commonly referred to as the “Jaws of Life.”
The fire department would only have to pay five percent of the $23,000 total and would be able to do so out of their budget with no extra cost to the taxpayers said Brown.
“The problem we’re having is that newer cars are being built with materials that the Jaws just won’t cut anymore,” said Brown. “Newer technology will help us save people’s lives quicker.”
Also at the meeting, the council accepted a $2,000 donation for the West Canal Street lighting project. City of Picayune Public Works Director Eric Morris says the city will not move forward on the project until it is determined that the work can be done at no extra cost to the taxpayers.
Morris added that there are plans to conduct repair work to potholes on Jackson Landing Road next week.
In other business, the council acknowledged Dr. Lori Blackmer being awarded Optometrist of the Year, and acknowledged the Governor’s Proclamation in regards to Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s holidays.