Citrus for sale in Picayune
Published 7:00 am Tuesday, November 25, 2014
The holidays are here. A tell tale sign of the season of giving is crowded department stores, overworked sales employees and shoppers looking for the perfect gift for their loved ones.
However, there are other gift options for loved ones during the festive season.
During this time of year, the Picayune Lions Club hosts its annual citrus sale.
The purchase of fruit not only provides a healthy alternative to confectionary Christmas delights, but also contributes to the greater good of the city.
According to, the service club organization is the world’s largest with 46,000 clubs and 1.35 million members.
Former club president Fr. Jonathan Filkins said Picayune’s chapter of the Lions Club was founded in 1943.
“We fully rely on the generous giving of others to fund our community programs which include scholarships and vision care,” Filkins said. “Last year, our group raised more than $22,000, all of which went back into the community.”
Filkins said the group hosts fruit sales throughout the year including strawberries, Satsumas and peaches.
Have drivers ever seen men and women in yellow vests on the highway?
There’s a good chance that’s a Lions Club member raising money during “can shakes,” Filkins said.
For more than 20 years, the Lions Club has sold hundreds of boxes of citrus during the holiday season.
The Lions Club hosts vision screenings in Picayune for all ages with a focus on preventative care.
“Our group’s whole focus is to give back to our community,” Filkins said.
The last day to order citrus is Tuesday, Dec. 3.
The following varieties are available for purchase:
– 20 pounds of oranges for $19.25
– 20 pounds of grapefruit for $15.75
– Half orange and half grapefruit for $17.50
– Ten pounds of tangerines for $14.95
If people are interested in placing an order, they can contact Calvin Clark at 601-799-3663, Jack Weiss at 601-798-6610, Terry Farr at 601-749-3061 and Filkins at 601-749-4663.