State Department of Health issues lead poisoning press release
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, October 29, 2014
The Mississippi Department of Health has released a statement about lead poisoning in children and what measures can be taken to prevent this from happening.
The State Department of Health’s Lead Prevention program confirmed that 383 children had levels of lead in their blood that required medical attention in 2012. Each child identified in the program was younger than 6-years-old.
Lead poisoning can lead to severe developmental issues for children, such as slowed growth, learning difficulties, hearing problems and aggressive patterns of behavior.
Exposure to lead can come from the following items: lead-based paint, batteries, keys, metal toy jewelry, dust, soil, mini-blinds, electrical cords and garden hoses.
The State Department of Health encourages parents to exercise lead poisoning precautions to keep their children safe. They suggest parents test their home for lead if it was built before 1978, as it could contain lead-based paint. Blood-testing is suggested because lead poisoning symptoms can often go unnoticed.
In addition to home and blood testing, the State Department of Health also recommends that children practice consistent, thorough hand washing before eating. A healthy diet of calcium, vitamin C and iron will help prevent exposure, as well as avoiding an empty stomach throughout the day.
Parents should shower and put on different clothing before interacting with small children, especially if their work involves welding, construction, mechanics or painting.
The State Department of Health reminds parents that lead poisoning is preventable and encourages parents to be aware of how to avoid it.