Friends of the Library honored
Published 7:00 am Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Friends of the Library and volunteers were honored on Wednesday, August 6 with a lovely appreciation banquet and program. Carol Phares, head librarian and her hard working staff went all out in what Phares hopes to be an annual event.
Phares recognized the Picayune Friends of the Library group as the oldest continuous friends group in the state of Mississippi. She went on to say that other areas have taken notice and want to emulate Picayune’s successful fundraisers and community programs that enhance the quality of life of our citizenry.
Phares stated, “ Without you all we would just be a museum for books. You add such life to this community. Thank you so much for the things you do to make our library successful”.
Ms. Sylvia, assistant to the children’s librarian, blessed the food and attendees enjoyed a wonderful buffet and fellowship.
Gave an informative and interesting preview of a future Friend’s program entitled Rediscovering Mississippi. Various treasures of our state that are worth a second look were presented including beautiful Natchez mansions, Vicksburg’s War Memorial, and The Museum of Natural History complete with the skeletal remains of dinosaurs located in our capital city of Jackson.
After delicious food and food for thought the crowd was delighted with Ms. Sylvia’s reading of her original poem entitled All Roads Lead to Highway 11. Her poem was written from the perspective of a newcomer finding her way around the area with the help of her coworker and friend.
Phares took the helm again and ended the program with thanks to the young volunteers who graciously served at the banquet. Cathy Holland, past president of the friends, was presented with a white chrysanthemum as a token of appreciation for all her years of service. Carolyn Early was honored for her tireless work in keeping the display shelves full of well thought out and interesting displays for the patrons viewing pleasure. Any given time will find Early hard at work keeping the display shelves appealing to all who enter the foyer.
Present leader of the Friends, Linda Hanberry was honored with a white chrysanthemum for the wonderful way she is leading the Friends of the Library to even better things for our city’s library system now and in the future. Kudos to all the Friends and volunteers for a job well done.
The Friends of the Library is an organization whose purpose is to support the library and it’s functions in the community. Fundraisers for the purchase of new books and supplies that would not be otherwise affordable include an annual book sale. This sale alone raised over $5,000 dollars this year.
Any member of the community who would like to encourage literacy in our city and county is welcome to join. Dues are $5 for an individual membership, and $12 for a family. These dues, in addition to helping the library, entitle the member to attend the book sale’s opening day. Visit the library and sign up today.
By Jan Miller Penton