Main Street planning a fundraiser
Published 7:00 am Friday, July 18, 2014

MUSICAL TALENT: Vince Vance of Vince and the Valiants, at right, and Al Katz of Star Search Legends on Tour met with the Blues Q & Rock n’ Roll 2 festival planning committee to discuss the possibility of performing at this year’s festival.
Photo By Cassandra Favre
The Blues Q & Rock n’ Roll 2 festival planning committee met at Southern Char to discuss a proposed upcoming event that officials hope will serve as fundraiser for a proposed city splash pad.
Reba Beebe, Picayune Main Street Director, said they are hoping to garner mayor and council support at a future city council meeting.
The festival is an annual downtown event that features live blues music and barbeque, Beebe said.
“This year we are hoping to raise funds for a proposed splash pad at Friendship Park,” Beebe said. “It’s something that people in the community have suggested and discussed.
“The splash pad is the biggest suggestion that we have had.”
Vince Vance of Vince Vance and the Valiants attended the luncheon to discuss the possibility of performing at the event.
“When I heard from my friend Al Katz that the committee wanted to raise money for this park,” Vance said, “I talked to Reba and made sure I am going to be available to perform.”
Al Katz and Michael King of Star Search: Legends on Tour are also talking with the committee to perform their Blues Brothers impersonation act.
“It’s always good to do a fundraiser to support a project like this,” Katz said.
Beebe said that there are many more details to work out, such as when and where the event will be held, sponsorships and how much tickets will cost.
The event and possible splash pad are still pending city approval, Beebe said.