College degrees can be worth the investment

Published 7:00 am Friday, June 20, 2014

High school graduates thinking about entering the realm of higher education will pay a bit more for it.

Is it worth the price of admission to pay higher prices for higher education? Yes, it is, with some exceptions.

There are multiple ways to look at this topic. First, while the price of a college education will always rise, it is the best possible investment to increase earning potential.

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Second, time will pass no matter what, so waiting for the price to drop will only mean indefinite procrastination.

The reason why a degree is worth the price is because several opportunities open up, especially if the right field is chosen. While a degree in no way guarantees becoming a millionaire, statistics from the Labor Department show a four-year degree can increase a person’s earning potential by 98 percent.

This of course does not take into consideration the field you may be considering.

Choose your major wisely. Currently there is major growth in the medical field. The thing about medicine is people are always getting sick, and it is one field where automation does not threaten to take over.

Another growing market is anything to do with computers, which includes everything from video game design to conducting repair work. As technology grows, there will be a growing demand for people to create and fix the hardware and software.

Don’t forget, there are many jobs out there that require a four-year degree where employees make less than you think.

If a notable income is what you are after, avoid the fields of sociology, fine arts, teaching, religious studies, tourism and communications.

However, there are many successful men and women who did not pursue a degree. They are evidence that hard work pays off, whether in seeking a degree, or making a name for yourself by starting your own business.