Welcome Center hosts Picayune Day
Published 7:00 am Thursday, May 8, 2014

SKILLFUL LOCAL: Picayune resident Larry House with the Gulfport Blacksmith Association demonstrates his skills in front of the Welcome Center during “Picayune Day” Wednesday.
Photo by Alexandra Hedrick
Continuing through Sunday, the Pearl River County Mississippi Welcome Center will be highlighting the talents of local residents.
Pearl River County Mississippi Welcome Center Supervisor Cindy Poland said the events are part of National Travel and Tourism Week.
On Wednesday, the welcome center hosted “Picayune Day” and highlighted some of the businesses, history and attractions in Picayune.
Free hot dogs were grilled and served by Tony Jackson from Pat Harrison Waterways.
Two locals showed off their artistic talents at “Picayune Day.”
Picayune resident Larry House with the Gulf Coast Blacksmith Association was in front of the welcome center giving demonstrations. Local artist Candy Howard was also demonstrating her oil painting techniques and displaying her artwork.
Earlier in the week, Jim Williams and his band performed and plans to perform again on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Poland said.
Paul’s Pastry had some of their famous king cakes to sample Wednesday.
A couple from Montreal, Canada stopped by the Welcome Center on their way through Pearl River County and couldn’t stop sampling the king cake, instead they kept coming back for more.
The Canadian couple also received a gift bag with Mississippi treats and information to encourage them to come back to Mississippi to visit.
Tables with information on the history of the county and some of the museums were also available.
The Crosby Arboretum also had a display with information on their various activities throughout the year and the local plant life.
On Tuesday, Nathan Michael Killan played his guitar and sang for visitors.
On Monday and Wednesday, Miss Mississippi Seniors Gladys and Bonnie Hughes spoke with visitors and posed for pictures.
On Sunday, Tim Matthews with the Gold Wing Road Riders Association spoke to motorists about motorcycle awareness and safety.
Mississippi has participated in National Travel and Tourism Week for the past 31 years, Poland said.
During the 2013 fiscal year, travelers and tourists spent more than $28.4 million in Pearl River County, according to the Mississippi Development Authority Tourism Division.
According to the Mississippi Development Authority, travel and tourism is one of Mississippi’s largest exports and generated $459.4 million in tax revenue in 2013.