Tips to prevent home, vehicle from being burglarized
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Burglaries occur in every community, in every state of the United States.
Even though they are not always reported, home and vehicle burglaries occur often in Pearl River County.
Thankfully, most violent crime in this county is rare. But as with any population, there are those who will unlawfully take what you have worked hard to procure.
Here are some simple steps you can take to keep your valuables a little safer.
In some cases burglars are granted easy access to valuables due to an unlocked home or vehicle, so always keep your vehicle and home locked when you are away from them. For the home this involves more than just the doors, it includes windows as well.
For your vehicle, just because it’s parked in front of your house does not mean a burglar will be dissuaded from entering and stealing items from it, or even the entire car. Keep your vehicle’s doors locked at all times.
If you are going on a trip, never promote that fact via social media. Wait until you return to post photos of the places you visited. Posting that you are out of town is a green light for potential burglars to take advantage of your absence.
To make your home look occupied while you are away, have a friend or family member check your mail and move vehicles to a different location in your driveway.
Large purchases such as televisions and stereo equipment should be kept low key. Avoid putting those boxes at the side of the road for potential burglars to see. Instead, seek a recycling service to dispose of those large boxes, or break them down to put in bags for your curbside recycling.
These are just some tips to help keep your valuables safe, but many more can be found by doing a little research on the Internet.