Make right choices, be safe on graduation night
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Graduation will be held at all three school districts this week, and while we here at the Picayune Item are expressing our most heartfelt “Congratulations!” we also would like to express a word of caution, be safe.
Graduation is a time for celebration. No doubt there will be many parties, gatherings and a number of temptations offered during those festivities. Young adults may feel as though they’ve come to the end of a road, but they are really at a fork in a much longer path.
While these graduates may feel a bit more like an adult after taking ownership of their high school diploma or GED, remember, there is much more of life ahead.
They still have college, a career and building their own family to look forward to. The point is to be safe so those major milestones can be reached.
So, while graduates are enjoying whatever festivities they have planned, they should avoid drinking, illegal drugs or partaking in other risky behaviors.
But if the choice is made to partake in alcohol, don’t drink and drive.
Remember, there are many people who can be called for a ride home.
Picayune also has a taxi company available, if for some reason a ride from a loved one is not an option.
Drinking and driving is not the only danger new graduates should avoid. As they grow and mature, life will present them with many choices. Some of those choices can lead to great opportunities, while others could bring about great hardship.
No one can tell a person how to live his or her life. They will ultimately makes those choices themselves.
However, keep in mind parents or other loved ones have much knowledge to pass on, so keep an open mind when they attempt to share it.