PRC female students learn self-defense
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, April 23, 2014

SELF DEFENSE: Forty-five Pearl River Central High School female juniors and seniors take self-defense classes from Picayune Taekwondo owner Bret Barras.
Photo submitted
Pearl River Central High School is trying to help prepare their female students for life after high school through self-defense classes.
Campus Security Council Co-Sponsors Debra McCormick and Brandon Herrin said the class was previously offered but ended a few years ago. The class was reinstated again last year.
McCormick said last year the class was only open to interested seniors, but due to the program’s success it has now been expanded to include juniors and seniors.
Forty-five juniors and seniors took part in the class taught by Picayune Taekwondo owner Bret Barras.
Herrin and McCormick were introduced to Barras three years ago during the Family Health Fair and approached Barras about teaching the class last year.
The classes were comprised of four sessions and Barras also gave the students a one-month free gift certificate to Picayune Taekwondo for any students who wanted to expand on their training.
Herrin said along with the self-defense techniques, Barras educated the female students on crime statistics and things they should do before using their self-defense training against an attacker.
Barras, who works at Stennis Space Center, took off of work to teach the class, McCormick said.
Herrin said Barras taught them to be aware of their surroundings, use common sense and to run before doing anything else.
McCormick said when students graduate, they want to be prepared for new situations they may encounter.
“On behalf of the participating students and club sponsors, we want to give a special thanks to Mr. Barras for donating his time to better prepare the district’s students for the future,” McCormick said.