Wildlife Day at Crosby Arboretum
Published 7:00 am Saturday, March 8, 2014

Jodi Marze | Picayune Item
Fly-fishing demonstration: Students from Pearl River Central Upper Elementary, West Hancock, and Poplarville Elementary schools were excited to watch the fly-fishing demonstration, given by Will Sullivan, from the Pinecote Pavillion.
Students were treated to wonders galore at Wildlife Day at the Crosby Arboretum this past Thursday. Students enjoyed learning about Coastal wildlife and exhibitors included the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, the Audubon Nature Institute Wetlands Express and the Pine Woods Audubon Society.
“We were pleased this year to have strong participation from Pearl River Central Upper Elementary, West Hancock, and Poplarville Elementary schools, as well as numerous homeschool educators,” Arboretum Director Pat Drackett said.
She added that students also enjoyed exhibits centered on animal habitats through their interaction with representatives from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Southeast Region in Lacombe, Louisiana, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (exhibit of fish specimens for ID), and the Mississippi Wildlife Federation Adopt-A-Stream representative.
As he does every year, Will Sullivan provided the students with a fly-fishing demonstration in the Piney Woods Pond. Peter and Stella Allen of the Ponchartrain Basin Fly Tying Club showed students how to create fly-fishing flies.
“This is something that we have built up throughout the years, and we are so happy that the weather was good so that the students could come and enjoy all that we have to offer them,” Drackett said.