Alderman approve fire truck purchase
Published 7:00 am Thursday, March 20, 2014

In his shadow: Poplarville High School senior Michael O’Bryant has spent three days shadowing Poplarville Mayor Brad Necaise as part of his senior project.
Photo submitted
The Poplarville Board of Aldermen met Tuesday night and finalized details for the city website and the referendum on the sale of light wine and beer within city limits, which will take place Tuesday, March 25. They also approved the purchase of a ladder truck for the fire department, an increase in water tap fees and recognized Poplarville High School student Michael O’Bryant, who had been shadowing Mayor Brad Necaise for a senior project.
“Last night was a long three hour meeting but with much progress,” Necaise said. “The city leveled up on financial matters where we were operating at a loss, took action on preparations for launching the city of Poplarville website and tied up loose ends for the upcoming referendum.”
The preparations for the website involved the board’s approval for Kristi Harris, a local photographer, to take photos of the mayor, aldermen, department heads and city attorney to be used on the website.
The board also approved an agreement to designate the circuit clerk to assist with the special election.
The board voted and approved to buy the ladder truck that they had been investigating for the fire department.
Alderman Byron Wells said with the new fire rating and the seven buildings more than 36 feet high, the town was in need of such a truck. He said that of the seven buildings there are three in town and four on the Pearl River Community College campus.
Paper work is being completed and a binding agreement for purchase has been sent to Texas, where the truck is currently located.
The board approved an increase in water tap fees to
$525 for each ¾ tap, $625 for each 1 inch tap, and $1625 for each 2 inch tap connection.
The board recognized Poplarville student Michael O’Bryant, who had been shadowing Necaise for a senior project.
“We appreciated having as our special guest, Michael O’Bryant, a senior from Poplarville High School at the Board of Aldermen meeting,” Necaise said. “Michael has worked with me for the past three days as part of his English Senior Project at Poplarville High School. Michael is considering a career in politics.”
In other matters the board:
- Signed a confidentiality agreement regarding the Love’s Truck Stop project.
- Removed part time firefighter Rusty Sholtz.
- Hired part time firefighters Dwayne Penton and Cammron Ladner.
- Adopted resolutions to a cap loan for water improvements, which authorized a $150,000 Rural Impact Fund and authorized execution of the Rural Impact Fund Grant Application.
- Adopting a proclamation for Safe Digging Month.
- Increased police petty cash amount to $800.
- Held open discussion.
- Adjourned.
- The next Board of Aldermen Meeting will be held 5 p.m., April 1, 2014.