Light at Highways 11, 43 cause of traffic back up
Published 7:00 am Saturday, March 8, 2014
The light at U.S. Highway 11 and Mississippi Highway 43 needs to have a traffic study conducted.
For cars making a turn onto Mississippi Hwy 43, the light seems to last long enough that many cars are able to make it through the light.
When cars are looking to head straight across Highway 43 on Highway 11, a continuing lack of time causes traffic to back up.
While it may not be a problem with the light, Mississippi Department of Transportation should look into why it seems there is always a long line of cars of people traveling south down Highway 11, but never a line for those turning.
Supposedly there are sensors at the intersection underneath the asphalt, which are supposed to help with the traffic issues, but for some reason it appears they aren’t working.
The backup also leads to people making what can sometimes be dangerous decisions to turn or block traffic and access to for businesses along Highway 11.
Accidents frequently occur at or near that intersection, usually involving cars trying to exit a business parking lot and go north on Highway 11.
Even if there is a problem with the light, drivers need to be courteous and aware of their fellow drivers.
Accidents near that intersection on Highway 11 can easily be avoided by allowing a driver to exit a business when they are heading north, so they don’t have to speed out of a parking lot to cross Highway 11.
When an accident occurs because someone is trying to head north on Highway 11, it usually blocks the one lane of traffic that is already moving slowly.
Shutting down that one lane, further backs up traffic, causing many people to be inconvenienced and once again make decisions that can lead to even more accidents.