PRCC hosts band clinic
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, February 19, 2014

RIGHT MOVES: Members of the Maroon Tide Marching Band will participate in a band clinic hosted by Pearl River Community College this weekend.
Photo by Alexandra Hedrick
Pearl River Community College is hosting it’s annual band clinic Friday and Saturday.
More than 200 middle and high school students will be participating this weekend state-wide, including students from Picayune’s junior high and high school bands.
John Cockrell, director for Picayune’s Maroon Tide Marching Band, said he has 22 students participating in this weekend’s competition.
Cockrell said the band clinic is a great opportunity for students to be introduced to new material and learn how to work under a different director.
He explained that students will audition and receive a score for the performance audition. Based on the student’s score, they will be placed in a particular band that will perform in concert on Saturday afternoon.
Cockrell said students that perform higher usually perform more complex pieces.
He said his students have participated in the past and enjoy the experience.
PRCC said in a press release that students will audition Friday afternoon and rehearse Friday night and Saturday morning. The bands will be presented in concert at 2:30 p.m. Saturday in the Brownstone Center. The public is invited to the concert.
Clinicians will be Jay McArthur of Choctawhatchee High School in Fort Walton Beach, Fla. and two PRCC alumni, Benji McClain of Hancock High School and Kody Killens of West Jones High School.
The PRCC Jazz Cats and Symphonic Band will preform for the students on Friday night.
Information on Pearl River Central High School’s participation in the clinic was unavailable.