Palazzo, Nunnelee oppose shutdown resolution

Published 3:49 pm Thursday, October 17, 2013

Mississippi Republican U.S. Reps. Steven Palazzo and Alan Nunnelee voted against a resolution Wednesday night that ended the 16-day partial government shutdown.

Republican Rep. Gregg Harper and Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson and U.S. Sens. Thad Cochran and Roger Wicker, both Republicans, voted for the resolution.

Palazzo said the resolution did nothing to address the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and did nothing to reduce spending.

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“The Senate deal only punts the tough decisions yet again, something I find unacceptable for the future of our nation. My colleagues and I will continue to fight to ensure a better country for our children and grandchildren,” Palazzo said in a statement after the House vote.

Nunnelee agreed, saying the deal failed to address the problems Congress was elected to fix including the health care law and the national debt.

“Every day, there is more evidence the ‘Obamacare’ train wreck is destroying the health insurance market and driving up costs on hardworking families. Every day, the mountain of debt our grandchildren will have to repay grows larger. Every day, we see more grim news about people struggling to find jobs. In order to save the American dream for present and future generations, it is our duty to attack these problems head on,” he said.

Wicker said the deal “will reopen the government and allow the United States to pay its bills.”

“While it doesn’t fix the problems associated with ‘Obamacare,’ it is important for Congress to reopen the government, not default on our bills, and get this crisis behind us,” he said.

Thompson said the “burden placed on seniors, veterans, our financial markets and communities due to an unnecessary government shutdown have been too great.”

“Moving forward with the Senate deal to put Americans back to work, ending the government shutdown and raising the debt ceiling is the best direction for our country, and I will continue working to build Mississippi and our country,” he said.

Harper said while he was not satisfied with the agreement, it was in the best interest of the country “to end the shutdown and ensure that our debts are paid.”

“We could not risk default. The people of Mississippi’s Third Congressional District sent me to Washington to work for them, and part of my job is to help ensure a functioning government,” he said.

Cochran said the bipartisan agreement to reopen the federal government and prevent risking the nation’s credit worthiness should be followed with concrete steps toward “a long-term agreement that will reduce our debt through structural changes to government spending.”

“It is important that we act to restore the confidence of the American people in the United States Senate. We must take real steps to strengthen our nation’s fiscal foundation so that our economy can grow, and American families and businesses can prosper,” Cochran said.