FBC Carriere pastor celebrates 49th
Published 12:00 pm Friday, October 18, 2013
What is a powerhouse? Bro. William Gary Smith Sr. (Bro. Gary) is a powerhouse. Even though he’s not as spry as he once used to be, he still leads his congregation at First Baptist Church of Carriere with the same care and concern he had when he started 49 years ago.
First Baptist Church of Carriere will be celebrating Bro. Gary’s Sapphire anniversary Sunday, Oct. 27, 2013 at the 11 a.m. service. Dinner on the grounds will follow the appreciation service.
Bro. Gary has seen many changes over the years and has been involved in many ministries at FBC Carriere. Included are the To Learn the Bible television program, and the widely circulated Bible Quiz. Bro. Gary also supports ministries within his church such as The Angel Tree project directed by Jane Manuel and the Operation Christmas Child project directed by Glenda Harbeson and Ashley Carter.
Reaching an almost five decade milestone is a great accomplishment for any pastor, and Bro. Gary is no exception. He has steadfastly maintained his faith in God and seeking His will in leading FBC Carriere through some of the worst and best times in its history.
Through it all Bro. Gary and his family have been the one constant in a changing demographic. Change may come, but the fundamental values that Christianity is founded on has never wavered, and is reflected in FBC Carriere’s ministry to the community.
Bro. Gary is famous for holding Appreciation Ceremonies for others in the community, now it is his turn. Everyone is invited to attend the Appreciation Ceremony and to stay for the meal afterwards. It is sure to be an exciting time of worship and fellowship.
For more information contact the church at 601-798-4766.
(To view the photo associated with this story, or to read other religion stories, please refer to the October 18, 2013 print or e-edition of the Picayune Item.)