Valente announces candidacy
Published 12:00 pm Friday, May 3, 2013
(EDITOR’S NOTE: Tammy Valente has announced her candidacy and released this statement.)
My name is Tammy Valente, and with great respect, I ask for your vote to become the next City Council member for district 1.
I am married to Andrew Valente and have two sons, Roman and Nicholas. We are members of Trinity United Methodist Church, where I spent many years as the youth director, as well as the choir director. I am a graduate of Picayune Memorial High School, Pearl River Community College, and Trident Technical College. I am a registered dental hygienist. I am also very proud to be a small business owner of a local real estate office. I am a member of the Pearl River Board of Realtors, as well as the state and national boards. I am also a member of the local Exchange Club.
I believe that government is created “by the people, for the people.” I believe my position on the city council would be to serve the citizens of the City of Picayune. I would conduct city business with professionalism. I would honor the fiduciary duties of my business, In city business: “loyalty, confidentiality, obedience, disclosure, full accounting, and the duty to use skill, care and diligence.” As I have walked through district 1, I have met people with many concerns. We all have a common goal, and that is to see our city prosper. I believe the most important thing our city has to offer is educating our children. As a city council member, I will take great care in selecting school board appointments. I believe in transparency and accountability in city government. I believe we should use our tax resources wisely and not over spend. I would pay close attention to drainage issues, road maintenance, public lighting, and any other issues that will protect our property value as well as our quality of life.
I respect, and promise to help support local law enforcement, as well as all of our emergency responders. I believe that we have some of the best, including those that volunteer. We have all chosen Picayune as a place to call home. Let’s work together to promote growth and industry. I promise to show fairness and work very hard to always do what’s right.
Thank you for your consideration,
Tammy Valente.