“Did you know?” Seminar
Published 12:00 pm Thursday, May 16, 2013
Did you know that there will be a seminar to provide seniors with important information?
Multiple guest speakers will discuss various ways for seniors to better protect themselves on Friday at the Senior Center.
The seminar will address some of the concerns and issues on seniors’ minds and it begins at 9 a.m.
A continental breakfast will be provided.
The first speaker is Dr. Vincent Grant of Highland Community Hospital at 9:15 a.m.
Case Manager Shelia Mitchell, RN, will then speak on the changes in Medicare: self administered drugs, observation versus inpatient admission to the hospital and Medicare replacement policies.
Next up will be Jamie Brooke of St. Joseph Hospice with tips for fall prevention and home safety.
Dawn Vosbein from the Mississippi State University Extension Service will speak on the importance of decreasing sodium intake and Eddie Smith will share what the MSU Extension Service provides.
Kelvin Standford from the Sheriff’s Office will provide information on physical and financial protection.
At noon, lunch will be provided and door prizes will be awarded.
To R.S.V.P. for the event, call (601) 798-9892.