Shanice Jones receives checks for Lions Club Peace Poster
Published 10:27 pm Saturday, April 14, 2012
The Picayune Noon Lions club welcomed Nicholson Elementary school student Shanice Jones, her brother Brian and mother as honored guests along with Principal Mary Williams and teacher Christy Hedgepaths to last Wednesday meeting at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church.
Jones was the club’s winner for the Lions Înternational Peace Prize for 2012. This year’s theme was “Children know peace.”
All entrants were judged on originality, artistic merit and overall expression of theme.
Jones’ entry made it all the way to national level and after the luncheon she was presented with two checks in the amount of $100 each for her placements.
Lion Dr. Jim Schrock, said, “We are all so proud of Shanice and we commend her for her fine art work.”