City tears down burned out home
Published 2:31 pm Friday, June 10, 2011
A home on Greenview Drive that suffered a fire about two years ago was torn down by city employees.
No action had been taken to fix the home up since the fire, which was evident in the state the home was in Thursday when city workers arrived to tear it down. The home was located at 123 Greenview Drive.
Public Works Director Eric Morris said the cost to tear the home down and clean up the yard will be assessed on the property owner’s taxes. As was the case with the property on Sixth Avenue that was torn down last week, the home’s yard will get a little sprucing up after the home is torn down by Tommy Hart with Streets and Drainage and his crew, Morris said.
Yard work to fix the property will be done by Grounds and Beautification Director Daryl Smith and his crew, Morris said. That work will involve cutting the grass and trimming of the shrubs, which helps lift the spirits of adjacent residents, Morris said. That expense is also added to the property taxes, along with the price of the use of city equipment, man hours and supplies to tear down the home.
“The city’s getting their expenses back through that effort,” Morris said.
Before the demolition took place, Morris said Raymond Wood, who is the supervisor of Gas and Water, made sure that those utilities were safely disconnected, Morris said.