Pearl River County Arts League to hold annual Spring Art Show and Festival
Published 12:46 am Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Saturday, April 30, will be the starting date of the annual Pearl River County (PRC) Arts League “Spring Art Show and Festival.”
The festival will again be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall, behind Dockside, and has Bruce Hume from LaCombe, La. and Lynne Weeks from Mobile, Ala. as the judges.
April Holifield, PRC Arts League President, chairs this event and says, “We are so excited about this year because we are looking to build on last year’s success; in addition, we have Bruce Hume, from LaCombe, La. and Lynne Weeks, of Mobile, Ala. to judge the entries in the art category. Photography will be judged by Joe Giaise of Giaise Photography.”
Weeks is an award winning artist with a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Alabama. She specializes in watercolors.
She says, “I have a degree in Art from University of Ala. with slant in commercial art. I got interested in watercolors because an advisor I had in college did a good bit of work for Ford Times Magazine doing watercolor illustration. He refused to teach it because he said none of us in college would take it seriously.”
Weeks, was very interested in the watercolor medium and pursued her interest until she eventually had the good fortune to meet a significant European artist, named Mrs. Lauer.
“Her husband was a scientist that moved into the area to do some work on a project. I studied painting and sculpting with her for years,” Weeks says.
“I went on to teach art in the public school system, but when funding got cut I kept trying to teach small classes privately. I truly believe that everyone deserves the chance to take an art class.”
What does she think is important for artists to command?
“I think that what is helpful to any artist, is a fundamental knowledge in the basics. Certain things always will assist your efforts in success regardless of the finesse you apply.”
What will she be looking for in entries she judges?
She says, “I like being surprised and seeing someone that doesn’t copy a photograph. There is a big difference in interpreting something you see and being a very good copier. I am trying to discover what that person saw and what did they think about it.”
Holifield announced the new category to this year’s show: Youth Art. This category is for anyone between the ages of Kindergarten and eighth grade.
She says, “The entrants in the Youth Art division will not be judged but they will be in the running for the Viewer’s Choice award.
Judged categories this year are: A— Oil & Acrylic; B— Watercolor; C— Photography; D— Pen, Ink, Charcoal, Graphite, Color Pencil, Pastels, Mixed (any two or more media with ink); E— 3-D (Sculpture, Pottery, Jewelry, Fabric Art, etc.); and N— Novice (Artist who has painted two or fewer years).
Entry fee is $10 per item for non-members and $5 per item for members. Call Arts League President, April Holifield, for more information at 601-590-1199 or e-mail: