Bubble Bath Moments: Inspiring stories for real women by real women about real life

Published 3:37 pm Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What could be more nurturing and rejuvenating after a long day of stress than a soak in a bubble bath?

That is the visual that is evoked and theme of the new book: “BUBBLE BATH MOMENTS Inspiring stories for real women by real women about real life”.  The book is a series of devotional stories, all written by local women, and sprinkled with inspirational quotes by real women and scriptures throughout. The book is the brainchild of and is compiled by Manthie Hayes.

In the forward Hayes says that her vision for the book is that the true stories contributed by real women show that we walk similar paths and carry similar burdens regardless of age or position in life. Her desire is that perusing the stories in our “me time” will allow us to feel refreshed and rejuvenated spiritually and emotionally as well as physically.

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The stories are divided into different groups which relate to the stages of the bubble bath experience: Drawing a Bath — testing the waters, Soaking — relaxing, Scrubbing — exfoliating deadness in your life, Rinsing Off — revealing the fresh “new you”.

The book is full of amazing quotes throughout, which accentuate the well penned stories. If you consider the personal details in this work that these women so freely share with their community and total strangers alike, there is a tinge of awe at the bravery in exposing vulnerability in such a gracious manner.

Vulnerability is a topic that is addressed in the book and has a phenomenal quote in place which to me sums up the  this book and the women who wrote it: “Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength.”

The authors of the book will be at Melinda’s on Thursday, July 15 from 6 p.m. through 8 p.m. to sign purchased books. Melinda Shaw of Melinda’s says, “They will be discussing why they brought the  book to light. The authors will be sharing their thoughts and inspirations behind the writings.”

Melinda Shaw can be contacted at 601-798-9527 for questions.