Picayune school board meets Tuesday
Published 2:47 am Sunday, June 21, 2009
The school board for the Picayune Municipal Separate School District meets at 12 noon Tuesday in the boardroom at the district’s central offices, 706 Goodyear Blvd.
Included on the agenda are:
Consider the agenda.
Consider minutes of the June 9 budget hearing and meeting.
Consider personnel matters.
Consider consent items:
— Sole source purchase orders.
— Claims dockets.
— Out-of-state travel request.
Consider 16th section matters.
Consider 2009-2010 combined and combining budgets.
Consider quotes for property, liability, crime and errors and omissions insurances.
Consider policyholder’s release from AXIS Surplus Insurance Co. for settlement of Hurricane Katrina claim.
Consider operating transfers from district maintenance:
— Unemployment compensation.
— Challenge 21 grant from LPRVF.
— Athletic fund.
Consider Center for Alternative Education Student Handbook.
Consider Education for Homeless and Youth, Recovery Act Grant application and statement of assurances.
Consider Teach Up! Technology Enhancement Program for Local Schools.
Consider contract for professional development-GCEIC.
Consider 1st reading of board policies:
—ABCDD-Selection of Elected Board Members.
— COO-School District Annual Report.
— FDDD-16th Section Land, Reclassification.
— FDDDD-16th Section Land, Forester Management Services Contract.
— IDCI-Early Childhood Education Programs.
— JBCAD-Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children.
— JBCCCC-Assignment of Twins or Higher Order Multiples.
— JGFC-Student Supervision.
— JGFJ-Student Blood Donation.
Consider 1st reading of board policy revisions:
— BCAEE-Board Meetings-Teleconferences.
— DID-Audits.
— DJED-Bids and Quotations.
—FGD-Contracts for School Construction.
— GAD-Professional Staff Development.
— JR-Student Records-Transcripts.
Superintendent’s update.
Board members’ comments.
Consider going into executive session on personnel.