Picayune school board meets Tuesday
Published 11:47 pm Saturday, June 6, 2009
The school board for the Picayune Municipal Separate School District meets twice Tuesday in the boardroom at the district’s central offices, 706 Goodyear Blvd.
The first meeting is a hearing at 5 p.m. on the district’s budget for the 2009-2010 school year with a power point presentation summary followed by a question and answer session.
The regular meet begins at approximately 5:30 p.m. following the hearing.
Included on the agenda are:
Consider the agenda.
Consider minutes of the May 26 meeting.
Consider request to address the board, no name or organization listed.
Consider personnel matters.
Consider consent items:
— Obsolete items.
— Sole source purchase orders.
— Claims dockets.
— Out-of-state travel.
— Amended budget and financial statement.
— Payroll.
Consider finance:
— Ad valorem tax resolution.
— Debt service tax resolution for the 3-mill note.
Consider extended school year amendment number 1, summer 2009 (SPED)
Consider student release requests.
Consider student handbooks for the 2009-2010 school year.
Consider purchase of Junior Pride of the Tide uniforms.
Consider requests to use facilities:
— South Side Lower Elementary by the Miss. Dept. of Transportation.
— South Side Elementaries for George Washington Carver reunion.
Consider MDE fixed adjustment to FY2008 project application IDEA part B and pre-school.
Consider FY2007 reallocation #2 IDEA fund.
Consider grand applications-2009 equipment assistance grants, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, USDA for Nicholson and South Side Elementaries.
Consider 16th section matters.
Consider psychometric fees.
Consider security services agreement.
Consider transportation handbook.
Superintendent’s update.
Board members’ comment.
Consider going into executive session on a student matter and a personnel matter.