City of Poplarville is receiving water from the new water well
Published 2:23 am Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The city of Poplarville is now officially online with the Pearl River County Utility Authority’s new water well at the north end of town, which will allow for increased fire protection to the southernmost areas of the city.
A pipeline from the well site on Oak Hill Road going south down U.S. Highway 11 tied a 16-inch water main to the West Michigan Street line. Now when the city has to shut down one of its own wells to do maintenance work, it will have full assurance there will be no loss in pressure, which is critical during fire emergencies.
“That’s what these new lines were designed for,” said Sam Hale, city superintendent. “They were designed to bring enhanced fire protection to the south end of town.”
During the first board meeting following the Blueberry Jubilee, Alderman Shirley Wiltshire commended city employees on their excellent service to the community regarding preparations for and cleanup after the annual event that attracts thousands to downtown Poplarville.
She also commended employees who volunteered their free time to make sure the day was a success. She and others said they had received compliments from local citizens about the quick cleanup.
Aldermen agreed that workers did an exemplary job across the board, especially regarding the cleanup, which was finished by about 6 p.m. following the festivities.
Alderman John Sherman suggested the board, having just finished four years and beginning a new term, should begin thinking about working on three- and five-year plans for the city.
No formal action was taken regarding that suggestion.
In other action, the board approved keeping Blue Cross/Blue Shield as its medical insurance provider for city employees. Even with an increase in premiums of $35 a month for each of the 31 city employees, the policy is still cheaper than United Healthcare, which also gave the city a bid.
The additional premiums will cost the city an extra $1,085 a month.
The board discussed a $1,000 budget increase request from the Poplarville Public Library for the upcoming fiscal year. Although discussion was positive concerning the request, no action was taken on the matter.
Aldermen said they would address that issue when they approve next year’s budget.
The aldermn:
— Appointed Scott Gill to the Partners for Pearl River County board.
— Approved a year’s leave of absence for employee Justin Miller.
— Approved sending Mayor Billy Spiers, City Clerk Jody Stuart and Alderman Byron Wells to the Mississippi Municipal League conference.
— Approved sending Jackie Davis to a PERS employer training workshop.
— Approved sending Al Tynes to a conference as a D.A.R.E. Southern District representative.