Blueberry mania hits Poplarville
Published 11:39 pm Saturday, June 6, 2009
Downtown Poplarville is readying itself for its annual tribute to blueberry mania, the Blueberry Jubilee, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., Saturday, June 13.
The Blueberry Jubilee is an arts and crafts fair held the second Saturday in June of each year. Located in downtown Poplarville, the Blueberry Jubilee attracts about10,000 visitors each year. The event offers blueberry plants, blueberry products, food for every taste, quality handcrafted arts and crafts created by talented artisans, free live entertainment, children’s activities, tours of the USDA Research Center, acclaimed storytellers, antique cars, and a variety of other family-friendly activities.
The year’s blueberry festivities have already began. On Saturday, little girls and young ladies took center stage at the Poplarville Lower Elementary School auditorium.
The Miss Blueberry Pageant — the preview event for the 2009 edition of the annual Blueberry Jubilee — was held to select this year’s blueberry royalty who will reign over the Jubilee day festivities. In addition, Miss Blueberry and the other division queens will participate in parades and represent the Blueberry Jubilee at other functions in Pearl River County throughout the year. Look for the winners to be announced soon.
Blueberry Fest will kick off at 6 p.m. on Jubilee Eve, Friday, June 12 in the Poplarville downtown area. Poplarville’s own Jordan River Band, headed by the Grand Old Man of the Fiddle, Alton Hoadley, will claim the stage first. Next up will be the Poplarville Storytellers Guild from 7:10 to 8:20 p.m. At 8:20 p.m. the star attraction Crossties, the band who made such a great impression last year at the Blueberry Fest, will hit the stage. Be sure to put 6 p.m., June 12, on your calendar for The Big Blue Blowout on Friday night.
This year, there is a new event to get involved in at the 2009 Blueberry Jubilee! It’s no secret that one of the things people look forward to most at the Blueberry Jubilee is the great food! It’s also no secret that there is no shortage of great cooks in Pearl River County! With that in mind, the Blueberry Jubilee Council is sponsoring a Blueberry Recipe Contest and entering is easy.
Just bring your favorite typed blueberry recipe and the prepared blueberry dish to the First United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall at 10 a.m. on June 13, Blueberry Jubilee day. Be sure your recipe has your name and contact information on the back. The contest is open to all ages. Winners will be announced at the noon ceremony following the presentation of the 2009 Blueberry Queens and announcement of the 2009 Blueberry Grant recipients. Members of the Blueberry Jubilee Council are not eligible to enter. Call 601-795-2972 for more information.
Also on Jubilee day, the Poplarville PTA will conduct the 25th Annual Blueberry Run, 8 a.m., Saturday, June 13 starting on Main Street and ending on Julia Street in front of the Poplarville School District Central Office. Entry fees are $20 pre-registration and $25 registration on day of race. Entry Forms may be obtained from the Poplarville School District Central Office at 302 South Julia Street.
Drawings will be held for prizes for all runners. Participation ribbons will be given to all finishers 12 and under in the 1-mile run. Also, young runners 12 years of age or younger will be eligible to win one of four $50 savings bonds that will be given away.
Grand prize trophies will be given to the overall male and female winners of the 5K run. Trophies will also be given to the first three boys and girls in the 1 mile run.
The Poplarville PTA Blueberry Run Committee invites all runners to celebrate the Blueberry Run and the Blueberry Jubilee as a fun event by bringing their entire families for a day of outdoor recreation and entertainment.
For more information on any of the events scheduled for the Blueberry Jubilee, visit