Don’t forget to vote
Published 3:56 pm Monday, May 18, 2009
Tuesday’s election will feature a runoff between Mark Thorman and Ezell Lee for the Democratic Mayoral candidate space.
Voters should keep in mind that only those who voted Democrat during the primary election, will be allowed to vote Tuesday, said City Clerk Priscilla Daniel.
Polls will open at 7 a.m. and close at 7 p.m.
Residents who live in precinct one will vote at Fire Station one on Adcox Road. Voters who live in precinct two will vote at the Police Station located on South Main Street. Precinct three residents will vote at the National Guard Armory on U.S. 11. Precinct four voters will cast their ballot at South Side Lower Elementary. Precinct five voters will vote at the Picayune Memorial High School auditorium on Goodyear Boulevard.
The only candidates in this ballot will be Mark Thorman and Ezell Lee, who are both Democratic candidates. The winner of this election will face Republican candidate Ed Pinero in the general election.
Daniel said voters who voted on the Democratic ticket or voters who did not vote at all in the primary will be allowed to vote in the runoff. Voters who voted on the Republican ticket on May 5, will not be allowed to vote in this election because there are no Republican candidates in the runoff.
“Mississippi law does not allow cross over voting,” Daniel said.
Poll workers will have a copy Republican voters who cast ballots on May 5, at each precinct.
The general election for municipal offices will be held June 2.
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