Picayune school board handles routine business
Published 11:44 pm Tuesday, April 28, 2009
A series of routine matters were handled quickly at a short, noon-time meeting yesterday of the school board for the Picayune Municipal Separate School District.
The only items eliciting much discussion were an auction the district is holding from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Saturday at the bus barn. Business director Lisa Penton said the minimum bids for the items total $4,885 and board member Harvey Miller said there were one or two items on the list that might draw more than the minimum.
“We can’t make any less than the minimum, so if we get more on some things, that will be good,” Miller said.
The district’s Early Head Start program will see an increase of $70,000 from the federal government, assistant superintendent Brent Harrell informed the board. He said that the district hopes to hear about federal stimulus money that should be coming to the district in about two weeks.
The board also approved applying for $22,000 in Hurricane Gustav repair funds for Early Head Start.
On another agenda item concerning Early Head Start, the newest board member, Patti Stewart asked if having 127 children on a waiting list for Early Head Start is good or bad.
Harrell said it was bad in that the program didn’t have a place for the children but the waiting list also would support an application by the district to expand the Early Head Start program.
The board also approved the summer food service program and the extended school year program. Both summer programs, funded with federal and grant funds, have been taking place in the district for several years.
On other matters, the board:
— Approved personnel matters.
— Approved consent items including a sole source purchase order, out-of-state travel requests and a list of obsolete items.
— Approved student release and acceptance requests.
— Approved 16th section matters with the exception of one concerning an eviction and re-lease
— Approved a request by Resurrection Life Worship Center to use some school buses. The church is meeting all district requirements, including providing a copy of its insurance coverage.
— Approved PREPS and Superintendents Assoc. dues of $3,472.24 and $1,250 respectively.
— Approved revision to Early Head Start policies and procedures.
— Approved an Early Head Start I CAN health initiative application.
— Approved purchasing two PMHS junior varsity uniforms.
— Approved the first reading of a revision to board policy GARIA-Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993-All Employees.
Went into executive session on a student discipline matter before adjourning.