UPDATE – Damage reports to MEMA from recent storms
Published 5:36 pm Saturday, March 28, 2009
The following counties have reported preliminary damages to the State Emergency Operations Center due to severe weather in the state on Friday night and this morning.
Most of the reported damages are due to flooding with some of the hardest hit areas are in the Vancleave area of Jackson County and in Stone County. Additionally some wind damage reported in Smith County. Damage reports by county are as follows:
Hancock: One home flooded, 50 roads throughout county flooded.
Harrison: 19 roads closed in county due to flooding.
Jackson: 28 homes flooded, numerous roads flooded.
Marion: Three homes flooded, 24 roads throughout county flooded.
Pike: Street flooding reported in the county.
Smith: Seven homes damaged, three chicken houses damaged.
Stone: 12 homes flooded, numerous roads flooded.
Walthall: Numerous roads and bridges impassable due to flooding.
Wilkinson: Three homes damaged, one road closed due to flooding.
The shelter in Jackson County a shelter closed at noon today. The county may open another shelter in the eastern part of the county if flooding continues.
Due to recent heavy rains and the forecast of more rain in the state by Tuesday residents need to be aware of the threat of additional flooding along local creeks, rivers and streams. Please monitor local media outlets for updates on the flooding potential in your area.
MEMA will continue to provide updates on additional damages as they become available.