2 south Miss. men sentenced for having child porn

Published 1:35 am Sunday, March 22, 2009

Two south Mississippi men have been sentenced to federal prison after pleading guilty to possessing pornographic images of children.

The U.S. attorney’s office announced the sentences Friday.

Stephen Bradley Bynum of Magnolia was given 30 years in prison, followed by a life term of supervised release. Bynum pleaded guilty Jan. 9. Law officers said they found more than 1,000 images and video clips of child pornography in the Pike County home Bynum shared with his mother.

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Brian Joseph Frechou of Bay St. Louis was given 93 months in prison, followed by 20 years of supervised release. Frechou pleaded guilty Oct. 10. Officers said they found about 1,300 examples of child pornography on his house boat in Hancock County.