Deadline approaching for city seats
Published 11:47 pm Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Anyone interested in running for the city council or for mayor of Picayune need to qualify for the upcoming election by early March.
City Clerk Priscilla Daniel said the dead line is 5:30 p.m. Thursday, March 5. She said prospective candidates should keep in mind that Picayune’s deadline is a day earlier than most other cities because Picayune’s city hall is not open on Fridays.
A $10 fee is required to qualify for anyone planning to run for any city seat as a Republican or Democrat. The $10 fee must be made out to the party the prospective candidate wishes to represent, either Republican or Democrat.
If the candidate wishes to qualify as an Independent, then a petition with 50 qualified resident city voters must be submitted lieu of the $10 fee.
“I would be sure to have 50 good ones and also turn them in early in case of a problem,” Daniel said.
A candidate for city office must be a city resident, a registered voter and a resident of the district in the city which the person wishes to represent, if running for city council. Candidates planning to run for mayor must be registered voters and a city resident in any district. Daniel reminds prospective candidates that their voter registration must be up to date and reflect their current city resident status.
The primary election for all offices will be held on Tuesday, May 5. The general election will be held on Tuesday, June 2.
Winners of each office will begin their term Monday, July 6.
Special hours for voter registration are 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. from Monday, March 30, until Thursday, April 2. The City Clerk’s office also will be open Saturday, April 4, from 8 a.m. until noon for the last day of voter registration for the primary election.
Voters wishing to vote by means of an absentee ballot for the primary election can do so by Saturday, May 2 . The office will be open that Saturday until noon. If absentee ballots are mailed in, they must be in Daniel’s office by 5 p.m. on Monday, May 4.