County supervisors meet Monday
Published 2:52 am Sunday, December 21, 2008
The Pearl River County Board of Supervisors meets at 9 a.m. Monday in its boardroom at the old county courthouse.
Included on the agenda are:
Open bids for Chimney Square building.
Consider insturance proposal from Thigpen Insurance.
Consider Les Dungan’s Ridge Road environmental assessment report.
Consider accepting grand jury report.
Consider pursuing community emergency response team training.
Consider Tax Assessor/Collector matters:
— Personnel.
— Delinquent taxes request.
— Property taxes refund request.
— Tax strike.
— Increases and reductions.
— Transient vendor fees.
Consider Justice Court personnel request.
Consider Chancery Clerk personnel.
Consider LPRVF grant.
Consider Pearl River Basin Development District meeting matters.
Consider contract for professional services from Angela Herzog CPA for audit services.
Consider change order no. 1 for MD Electdric on backup generator installation.
Consider payment no. 1 to MD Electric for backup generator installation.
Consider change order no. 1 for Ace Constractors for backup generator installation.
Consider final payment no. 3 to Ace Contractdors on backup power generator.
Consider authorizing president to sign waste tire grant application.
Consider authorizing president to sign waste tire grant reimbursement.
Consider authorizing county administrator to sign HOME project contract extension.
Consider Pearl River County bus turnaround request.
Consider Picayune school leases and recording.