Summer camp helper charged with touching of a child
Published 3:58 pm Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A summer camp held at West Union Baptist Church reported an allegation of a child being improperly touched by a summer camp volunteer.
The incident reportedly took place sometime between July 7 through July 11, when the church held a summer Vacation Bible School, said Chief Deputy Shane Tucker.
The victim, an eight year-old girl, who is not related to the suspect, identified as Anthony Bennett, 20, of 28100 Leetown Rd. Tucker said the department received the complaint from the church on Sept. 29, which was very cooperative in the investigation.
Sgt. Christa Groom worked the case and conducted interviews with Bennett and the victim, Tucker said. Based on the evidence collected, Groom was able to make the arrest.
Bennett was charged with touching of a child.
A separate incident involving a child allegedly being exploited and fondled led to the arrest of 18 year-old Andrew Anderson. Anderson, of 31039 Pearson Cemetery Rd., Carriere, was charged with touching of a child for lustful purposes and child exploitation.
The case began when a note was found describing acts between Anderson, his girlfriend and the victim, an 11 year old female, Tucker said. Investigation into the incident found enough evidence to press charges.