Change in school registration policies needed

Published 4:23 pm Thursday, July 31, 2008


Once again I find myself being forced to register my child for school. All of my children have been enrolled in the Picayune School District since Kindergarten. Two of my children have already successfully graduated from the high school, and my youngest is going into the 6th grade.

I have not yet found sufficient reason why students who have and will continue to live in the Picayune School District must register every year. I definitely agree those first entering the district, whether beginning Kindergarten or moving from another district, must register officially in the office of whichever school they will be attending. However, it is most time consuming for not only parents/guardians, but also for school district workers to have to register yearly.

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When I worked at one of the elementary schools in this district, I presented to the principal of the school a form that would have saved much time and energy for the parents and workers. The principal said that she would show it to the school board. I was told that because the district had so many students that were in and out that it would not work. I have to admit that I gave up then. But, I’m ready to ask again why?

There are many other schools that do not register yearly – at least not in the way we do in Picayune. Usually, at other schools, a form is sent at the end of the year asking the basic questions as to whether the family plans to move, and if the child will still be attending the same school. If it’s “Yes”, the child will still be attending the same school, then the parent marks “Yes” signs it and returns it to the school. If it’s “No”, but the child will stay within the district but a different school, then that is usually sent to the new school, and the child’s parent/guardian must work with that school. Of course, if it is “No”, and the child is moving away completely, then the form is kept until the new school makes a request for it. All of this could be done within the last month of school. Realizing that the

test is now given at the end of the year, this could still work. Any new residents would have to register anyway, so a much smaller-scale registration could be utilized.

I worked registration for seven years in the district, and can honestly say that while some improvements have been made, more are possible. I have to ask the Picayune School Board to consider this for upcoming years. Money can be saved because certain workers will not have to be paid, electricity will not be used in certain area, and parents will be much, much happier. Please consider this, because I am not the only parent who feels this way. Parents, please let the school board know your feelings.

Linda Seal