Floodplain subject of local talks
Published 2:34 pm Friday, August 17, 2007
People from all walks of life will have the opportunity to learn about floodplain management via a free course put on by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
The class will be held Aug. 28, from 9 a.m. until about 4:30 p.m. in Picayune’s city hall, located at 815 N. Beech St., said Tammy Campbell Code Zoning Building Administrator and Flood Plain Manager. Campbell is one of two certified flood plain managers in Pearl River County, which also includes Director of Planning and Development for Pearl River County Harold Holmes. Both Holmes and Campbell are two of 74 certified flood plain managers in the state of Mississippi, according to http://www.floods.org/Certification/certlist.asp#MS.
Issues dealing with flood plain management will be discussed during the class, which could be beneficial to anyone involved in real estate, insurance, a city official, building permit staff, development, construction, building design, architecture, engineering, surveying and even interested county residents. Registration is required in order to attend the class, Campbell said.
“It’s for public officials and it will educate people who deal with real estate and insurance,” Campbell said.
Interested parties can register for the class by calling Mitigation Coordinator Joyce Wells at 703-350-9940 or at 228-594-3095. Wells can also be reached via email at joyce.wells@dhs.gov. The class is free of charge, Campbell said. The expected maximum class capacity will be between 50 and 60 people.
Information provided in the class will be the same information flood plain managers learn during their week long class, Campbell said. Topics such as elevation certificates, inspections, enforcement and compliance will be covered in the class, Campbell said.