Franklin announces candidacy
Published 6:46 pm Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I, Mark Franklin, am announcing my candidacy for the office of Justice Court Judge in the Southeast District.
Everyone who lives in our county already realizes the changes we have had in our area in the last two years. Change is something inevitable in every person’s life. In order for us all to live and co-exist together peacefully, we need strong leadership in the Justice Court Judge position.
I am a life-long resident of Pearl River County and I am a Republican. My parents are A.L. and Jackie Franklin and the late Bonnie Kellar Franklin. I am employed by Mississippi Space Services at Stennis Space Center in the Equipment Operations Department.
I am married to the former Shari Rosa of the Carriere community. She has been employed as a teacher for the last 17 years in the Pearl River County School District. We have three children Mandi, 24; Max, 18 and Mark, 12.
If elected, I dedicate myself to attend all training provided to me by the state. During training, I will be provided with current and up-to-date information which will enable me to perform all duties related to the position of Justice Court Judge. I plan to carry-out all duties, procedures and responsibilities in a proper, correct, and professional manner.
If elected, I plan to take thorough and decisive action with all cases. All judgments need to be given fairly. No one should be above the law in our community. I pledge to listen to all sides presented in court and to rule based on sound judgment as well as current codes and laws in place.
Finally, if elected I intend to have respect for everyone who comes into court. Court should have an environment where people feel they can be heard. Discretion should always be practiced in court. People’s private business should remain their private business unless they choose to discuss it out of court.
If given the opportunity, I am really looking forward to serving our community with strong decisive leadership. I ask you to make your vote count on Aug. 7h. Vote Mark Franklin, Justice Court Judge, Southeast District.