People to People
Published 3:58 pm Thursday, June 14, 2007
The Student Ambassadors of South Mississippi recently met at William Carey College in Hattiesburg. The high school students are from southern counties which include Forrest, Harrison, Jackson, Lamar, and Pearl River.
After a dynamic message from State Representative Steven Palazzo of Harrison County, the delegates participated in the People9ple to People Pinning Ceremony. They each received the official People to People Student Ambassador Pin which symbolizes worldwide friendship, tolerance and peace.
High school ambassadors are an integral part of the People to People Student Ambassador Program that was founded by President Dwight D. Eisenhower more than 50 years ago. The program was designed to help promote international understanding while building leadership skills among America’s youth.
These confident ambassadors from South Mississippi will be traveling to Spain, Italy, and France in early July. The 20-day experience will include meetings wilt government officials, interaction with other students their age, educational activities and home stays with host families.
Their open-mindedness, respectfulness and skills in dialogue as well as decision-making will help them rise to every challenge and represent the United States of America in a positive and diplomatic manner.
Pearl River County ambassadors are Will Lewis of Carriere, Jessica Sentilles and Chris Stockton of Picayune.
Each student earned the money to make this trip.