The Crown was a musical view of the Passion

Published 9:19 pm Saturday, April 14, 2007

Resurrection Life Church was packed on Friday and there was an air of anticipation and tension that occurs in any theater on opening night.

The musical play was spectacular with good sets and good acting, for the most part.

I was confused by the opening number. I didn’t know what was going on except a lot of people dressed in white dancing around. Then the Globe of Light floated through and I figured, we must be in Heaven. I think the tone of the play and the audience “by in” to it would have been greatly enhanced if someone would have given us a Set Up.

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I did appreciate the “stills” while John talked about what was happening. He was very good, by the way, and the bits of humor thown in relieved the tension somewhat without distracting. Just the right touch.

The costumes were elaborate and the sets were perfect.

I talked with four of the young men playing the disciples. They were standing out by Memorial Blvd. in full Roman gear promoting the play.

When asked why they decided to spend their Friday off from school dressed like Roman soldiers, they replied, “Because we feel like the best way to get people saved is by showing them what Jesus went through so that He could have a relationship with them.”