A Showcase of Local Writers
Published 11:08 pm Tuesday, February 20, 2007
I have a friend in Louisiana who is editor of a small paper in a small town. She told me that whenever she had trouble thinking of something to write aboout, she always wrote about her cats. The people of her town love her cats and call to inquire about their health if ever a week or so passes by without her mentioning them.
I was reminded of this when reading the story that won first place in the non-fiction section, “Bear”, in this most delightful Anthology of local writers.
The poems by Eliza Jane Poitevent Holbrook-Nicholson (Pearl Rivers) are most thought provoking. She rings a tone of soft joy such as her poem, “Singing Heart.”
The adult fiction section has three winners that are as diverse as a crowd. Yet, each has a poignancy, along with some theological ideas that I don’t agree with, but everyone has a right to his or her own opinion. I have found that creativity and genius are usually in the eye of the beholder.
The adult non-fiction section has some treasures. I love exploring memories and these memories are true gem, such as “A Treasure Taken for Granted.” I agree with you, Ted Brewer, I would love to hear my father speak his Arkansas wisdom again.
Several tears came to my eyes from the patriotic flavor of Marsh Burks Megeehe’s poems. Those poems stirred the red, white and blue blood running in my veins.
The Juvenile Fiction/Poetry section made me appreciate the young people of Pearl River County even more than I do already. We have some truly, deeply creative young people in our community.
Miranda’s description in poetic form of a sea storm stirkes chords in my heart. Emily’s “Blue” actually has a cool, refreshing flavor.
“The Rescue of Princess Chibi” by Lydia McCall, held me spellbound. And like Lydia, I don’t want a sappy ending…so The End.