Train strikes truck with trailer in its path
Published 11:56 pm Saturday, July 8, 2006
A south bound freight train collided with a truck and trailer Friday afternoon in front of the WildWood subdivision.
The rail crossing to the new subdivision has signs and lights but no gates, however witnesses state that the conductor of the train did blow the horn upon approaching the crossing.
Ismael Quiroz, investigator for the Pearl River County Sheriff’s Department, said the truck approached the crossing and failed to stop, even though the train conductor blew the horn.
“Of course you can’t stop a train,” Quiroz said.
The train appears to have struck the truck and trailer in between the two, severing the two to each side of the tracks, said Pearl River County Sheriff’s Department Deputy Chief Aaron Russell.
A witness to the incident, Eddie Bounds, said that as he was sitting waiting on the train to pass when the accident occurred.
“The truck was steady coming, and before you knew it, the truck was under the train,” Bounds said.
Bounds said as soon as the truck stopped from the momentum of the impact, the three passengers of the vehicle climbed out.
Russell said there were no fatalities in the accident and the injured were taken to Highland Community Hospital in Picayune.