Students receive assistance thanks to Little Black Dress Charity Luncheon

LITTLE BLACK DRESS: PRCC cheerleaders modeled silent auction offerings, which helped raise almost $5,000 for the PRCC Special Need Fund.
Jodi Marze | Picayune Item
The Pearl River Community College Alumni Association hosted their annual Little Black Dress Charity Luncheon at the home of President Dr. William and Janet Gale Lewis, on the Poplarville campus, Saturday, April 26, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Proceeds from the $50 ticket sales went to the PRCC’s Special Need Fund for students.
The sold out event offered attendees the opportunity to view a fashion show put on by PRCC cheerleaders and a silent auction that was filled with designer handbags, watches, jewelry and shoes.
PRCC Alumni Coordinator Candace Harper said sponsorships covered the food budget allowing ticket sales and the silent auction proceeds to go to the fund.
“Almost $5,000 was raised to defray costs for students in need,” Harper said. “We are very excited because this is a wonderful start of a mission we hope to continue for many years to come.
“We actually got a phone call this morning about a student who had his house burn and he lost everything. Issues like this arise all of the time.”
Among those who attended, Senator Angela Burks Hill, a PRCC alumni herself, said that she was proud to support both the college and a fund for student needs.
“This is just another example of how Pearl River Community College finds needs within the community and meets them through creative thinking,” Hill said. “PRCC is an affordable institution that has propelled many local people, some of my family members included, to achieve great things and have rewarding careers. We are fortunate to have such an institution in our county.”
Janet Gale Lewis said she looks forward to hosting this event each year and knows many students will benefit from all of those who have donated to this great cause.
Harper encouraged the community to continue to donate throughout the year to this account. For more information contact her at 601-403-1193.