Digital safety a focus of March Lunch and Learn at PRCC

Published 11:42 am Monday, March 27, 2023

by Office of Planning and Institutional Research


“If it’s too good to be true, it’s too good to be true” was emphasized by the Honorable Hal Kittrell as he addressed small business owners and community members about common small business scams, and pointed out several ways to avoid being scammed. He emphasized that it is not rude to hang up the phone when you get a phishing caller.  For businesses, it is important to know your vendors and recurring expenses to spot erroneous charges.  Train your employees and be tech-savvy!
Kittrell covered an array of topics of interest as he addressed the crowd at Pearl River Community College’s Lunch and Learn session on March 21, 2023. Hon. Hal Kittrell is the District Attorney for the 15th Circuit Court District, having served since 2007.
“Anyone here wake up this morning and say ‘I think I’ll just choose to go to prison today?’,” Kittrell remarked, as he cautioned about the misuse of cell phones and social media. “These tools can be positive or as harmful as some of the violent crimes I prosecute,” stated Kittrell.  “Whatever you have on your phone can be viewed and retrieved by law enforcement. Deleting information on your phone or social media pages does NOT mean it is deleted.  Be careful what you post and send and even the items you ‘like’ on social media.”
While 43% of Pearl River County cases (2018-2022) involved drugs, Pearl River County is the largest county in the 15th District.  Kittrell cautioned about the use of vaping, especially since there is no regulation on the cartridges and encouraged participants to warn their children and grandchildren of the dangers.  “Fentanyl is the worst thing we’ve seen,” Kittrell said.
PRCC holds Lunch and Learn sessions quarterly in cooperation with the Poplarville Area Chamber of Commerce.  Mississippi Power and Wells Insurance, LLC sponsored Kittrell’s presentation.
PRCC President Dr. Adam Breerwood welcomed guests and chamber members, stating “Lunch and Learn is a great educational vehicle and networking opportunity for the community.”  Dr. Jennifer Seal, Vice President of Planning and Institutional Research/Dean of Honors Institute (Poplarville) invited Kittrell to address the Honors students. Dr. Seal, Dean of the Dr. William Lewis Honors Institute Poplarville Campus stated, ”District Attorney Kittrell encouraged the Honors students to exhibit professional behavior in all settings, including academic, career, and leisure activities.  He also offered stark advice concerning social media. We are thankful for his insight, his motivation to excel, and for his support of strong academics in our community.”

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